Minor in Italian Studies
To study a language such as Italian is to delve into a country's way of life, learn about its past and explore its importance in today's global structure. 亚洲博彩平台排名 University's minor in Italian studies provides an opportunity for students to achieve proficiency in the language while adding to their cultural knowledge of Italy.
Seek New Experiences
亚洲博彩平台排名's Italian studies program provides opportunities for students to hone their skills in four key areas: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Additionally, students who minor in Italian studies participate in a short-term or semester study abroad program in Italy and are encouraged to pursue Italian-focused courses related to or complementing their major.
Our approach to the study of languages is rooted in the University's liberal arts tradition and defined by the freedom to explore and expand potential in all people. 亚洲博彩平台排名 encourages students to seek new experiences that lead to proficiency in the language and develop an appreciation for our multicultural world.
Program Spotlight: In Fair Verona

Our six-week summer study abroad program in Verona, facilitated by the University Studies Abroad Consortium, offers courses in Italian language and culture along with a variety of additional offerings in business and communications. Honored as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000, Verona is one of Italy’s most beautiful and celebrated cities. During their time abroad, students immerse themselves in Italian culture and explore Venice, the Soave region and Lake Garda.

Our Faculty
With experience living and studying in countries around the globe, our full-time faculty specialize in French, Italian and Spanish language and culture. We are supported by additional faculty who teach languages such as Arabic, Chinese, German and Portuguese, and we routinely welcome visiting professors from countries such as France, Spain and Venezuela through the Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program.
Life After Salve
Italy is a global leader in arts and luxury goods markets, but also has a strong reputation in new fields such as robotics, electromechanical machinery, shipbuilding and space engineering. Its economy ranks in the top 10 worldwide, making a minor in Italian studies a desirable asset in business circles. Graduates with proficiency in a foreign language may consider careers in fields such as:
- Advertising/marketing
- Banking/finance
- Civil service
- Consulting
- Ecotourism
- Educational administration
- Engineering/technical
- Foreign service
- Health services
- Immigration/naturalization
- Importing/exporting
- Intelligence
- Journalism/broadcasting
- Law
- Linguistics
- Research
- Social work
- Teaching
- Translation/interpretation
- Tutoring
Minor in Italian Studies
6 courses | 18 credits
Required courses:
- ITL310: Italian Cultural Analysis
- ITL320: Italian Food Cultures or ITL330: Women, Migrations and Italian Food Cultures
Students take four additional courses in either Italian language or Italian culture, history, art and literature. Our dedicated faculty advisors assist students in choosing courses that best complement their major as well as their academic and professional goals.
Approved electives include:
- ART208: History of World Art I
- ART209: History of World Art II
- ART312: Classical Art and Archaeology
- ART316: Narrative and Meaning in Medieval and Renaissance Art
- HIS103: Western Civilization I
- HIS104: Western Civilization II
- HIS201: Europe 1789-1914
- HIS202: Europe 1914-1990s
- HIS312: Modern Italy
- HIS313: American Immigrant Experience
- PHL140: Medieval Philosophy
- PHL271: Ancient and Medieval Philosophy