Political Science
Building upon the foundational teachings of the great political philosophers, 亚洲博彩平台排名 University's bachelor's degree in political science provides students with essential knowledge of institutions and regimes, legislation and constitutional law, and the origins of war and peace.
Explore Questions of Justice and the Good Life
亚洲博彩平台排名's program covers the full range of the discipline's subfields of American politics, comparative politics, international relations and political theory. Students have ample opportunities for exploration and discovery through a range of internships statewide as well as our proximity to Newport’s Naval War College and the University’s Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy, where a variety of speakers and presentations consider the domestic and international issues dominating world events.
Small classes, led by a highly qualified faculty, enable students to work closely with each other and with their professors. 亚洲博彩平台排名's challenging curriculum is designed to foster analytical skills and encourage discourse as students learn to gather relevant information, develop logical arguments and approach problem-solving with informed perspective.
If they wish, majors may choose a concentration in either American government and public law or international relations and comparative politics. And through our popular accelerated program, qualified 亚洲博彩平台排名 undergraduates can begin our master's degree in international relations during their senior (fourth) year.
Program Spotlight: Transformative Impact
Arriving at Salve, I was drawn to political science by my interest in international law, but I hadn't anticipated the program's transformative impact. Its interdisciplinary approach broadened my perspectives, exposing me to courses that span the human experience. Faculty support enabled me to pursue extensive research on Egyptian and Pakistani politics and explore municipal government through fellowships and internships with two mayors.
Thanks to the individual attention of my professors, the greatest lessons didn't come from textbooks but meaningful and thoughtful conversation. As I prepare for law school, I feel confident that I will be able to critically and holistically engage in the political world thanks to my education at Salve.
Sean Dever, double major in political science / religious and theological studies

Our Faculty
Our highly qualified and approachable faculty have expertise in American government, comparative politics, international relations and political philosophy. With an emphasis on personal attention, we guide our students through their individual courses of study in order to foster professional growth and a deeper understanding of our rigorous curriculum.
Life After Salve
With extensive training in research, analysis, writing and public speaking, 亚洲博彩平台排名 students are well prepared for both graduate programs and professional careers. Our graduates find success as leaders in a wide range of fields, including:
- Business, lobbying and consulting: Management, public relations, human resources, sales and advertising, business and labor groups, as well as a growing variety of public interest groups.
- Electoral politics: Campaign managers, legislative staff, elected officials, political action committees, special interest groups and political parties.
- Education and research: Public and private schools, colleges and universities, research organizations and think tanks focused on foreign affairs, American politics, public policy, the environment, the economy and various social problems.
- Government and civil service: Legislative, executive and judicial branches and a wide variety of government agencies at the federal, state and local levels.
- Intelligence analysis, homeland security and armed forces: Analysis, law enforcement, homeland security and national defense.
- International organizations: Voluntary agencies, non-governmental organizations and international businesses, governmental agencies and other organizations.
- Journalism: Print, broadcast and online journalism.
- Law: Private practice, corporate law, special interest groups and nonprofit organizations, federal, state and local government.
- Nonprofit organizations: Foundations and organizations that promote the public interest in public health, education, the environment, labor, urban issues and civil rights.
Our most recent alumni have acquired positions in organizations such as:
- Boston Medical Center
- Bowdoin Group
- Cambridge Advisory Group
- Ignition Factory, OMD Worldwide
- National Work Queue at U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs
- Northeastern University Law Journal
- Office of the Colorado State Public Defender
- Operation Smile
- R.I. Office of the Attorney General
- Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- U.S. Marine Corps
- U.S. State Department
- World Affairs Forum
Major in Political Science (B.A.)
13 courses | 37 credits
Required courses:
- POL115: The American Political System or POL120: How to Rule the World: Introduction to International Relations
- POL201: Classical Political Philosophy or POL202: Modern Political Philosophy
- POL211: International Relations and Diplomacy or POL240: Comparative Politics
- POL215: American Government: Classic and Contemporary Readings
- POL372: Seminar in Research and Methodology
- POL400: Guided Research Capstone
- POL402: Multi-Media Research Application Capstone
Students also choose six elective courses in political science, selected in consultation with department faculty.
Minor in Political Science
6 courses | 18 credits
Required courses:
- POL201: Classical Political Philosophy or POL202: Modern Political Philosophy
- POL211: International Relations and Diplomacy or POL240: Comparative Politics
- POL215: American Government: Classic and Contemporary Readings
Students also choose three elective courses in political science (with no more than one at the 100 level), selected in consultation with department faculty.
American Government and Public Law
The concentration provides a solid understanding of our political and legal systems from the founding to the present. Students explore the origins and development of constitutional law and legislation, our governing institutions, our political process and the ideas that have shaped American political life.
To complete the concentration, students choose four of their elective courses from the following list:
- POL201: Classical Political Philosophy or POL202: Modern Political Philosophy (whichever was not taken to fulfill major requirements)
- POL222: American Legal History
- POL247: State Government Internship
- POL299: Special Topics
- POL324: American Political Thought
- POL398: Special Topics in American Government
- POL403: Constitutional Law and Development
- POL406: The Fourth Amendment: Search and Seizure
- POL414: Civil Liberties
- POL415: Modern American Foreign Policy
- POL421: Congress and the Legislative Process
- POL422: American Presidency
International Relations and Comparative Politics
The concentration provides an understanding of the political, economic, social, environmental and military issues impacting our increasingly integrated world. Students learn to appreciate the great variety of regimes, from democracies to tyrannies, and the vast disparities of outcomes, from prosperity and the rule of law to misery and violence.
To complete the concentration, students choose four of their elective courses from the following list:
- POL211: International Relations and Diplomacy or POL240: Comparative Politics (whichever was not taken to fulfill major requirements)
- POL299: Special Topics
- POL331: Contemporary Latin America
- POL332: Contemporary Middle East
- POL333: Contemporary Africa
- POL334: Contemporary Asia
- POL345: International Environment and Development
- POL399: Special Topics in International and Comparative Politics
- POL415: Modern American Foreign Policy
- POL416: Contemporary Europe and Russia
- POL420: Political Economy of Industrial Societies